www.dashDASH-ftw.blogspot.com; we rock your socks <3


dashDASH- is a fam of AuditionSEA, and is established since 18/11/08. We currently have 49/50 members in our fam and is currently Open For Recruitment. We welcome new members who want to be part of our big family! We are kind and we do not bite(:. dashDASH-FTW!

Monday, October 18, 2010.

Haha , exams are over !
dashDASH- is back in operation !
Do online more people !
Outings are back ! Details of each outing will be given through messages.
Those people that have not give me your number , if you feel like can text me at 93876819 !
dashDASH- Huat !


dashDASH-ftw (: 8:55 PM